Top Hotels in Havana, Cuba

About 88 hotels one can find in Havana. 35 three-stars hotels, 26 four-stars and 10 five-stars hotels are located in Havana. You will hardly find a hotel in Havana with a world famous name. Most of the hotels are of Spanish origin. Nearly all of them suggest standard services including breakfast, parking place, fitness center.

One can find a hotel to his taste. All depends on your demands. There are cheap hotels which provide minimum service. The most popular hotels in Havana are booked in advance. That is why sometimes it is difficult to book a suitable room. All of the hotels suggest discounts. Most of the hotels have free cancellation. Only several hotels have free Wi Fi. Pay attention to this fact when booking a hotel in Havana.

Several hotels are located in historical buildings, for example Saratoga in the western part of the city center and opened in 2005 or Palacio del Marques de San Felipe in the historic center of Havana.

There are the so called business hotels in Havana, such as Montehabana or Nacional de Cuba. Low prices for big suites can surprise everybody.

Hot Deals for Hotels in Havana

   Cuba Havana Jose Marti International Airport